Thanks so much for dropping by my site. I hope I have given you something to remember. Now that you know a little about my work and studio, please consider the prospect of a work of art by Jackson Walker in your collection. Commissions for corporate, institutional or family heritage, as well as individual collectors, are finding that the addition of a Jackson Walker painting is a singular and valued work of art. Portrayals may be considered by mutual and exclusive arrangements. Please correspond with your story.

Whether it’s an original oil painting or one of our quality reproductions, please know that the very best care, quality and attention goes into each and every transaction. We do this with the greatest appreciation for your interest...


Jackson Walker Studio
1431 Ferris Avenue
Orlando, Fl. 32803

Phone: 407-894-0123

Cell: 407-488-5637

Our Friends
The Florida Historical Society
The Museum Of Florida Art
The Seminole Wars Foundation
Florida Historians John & Mary Lou Missall
Live Oak Productions
Florida Living Hostory
Framing of Central Florida, inc.

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